Films Review
Title: Upside Down
Genre: Science fiction
Directed by: Juan Diego Solanas
Year: 2012
Duration: 107 Minutes
Stars: Jim Sturgess as Adam & Kristen Dunts as Eden
Cinematography: Pierre Gill
Production: Onyx Films Studio 37
Realesed Date: 22 August 2012 (Kazakhstan), 31 August Canada, 17 April 2013 (France)
Okay readers, in this occasion I would like to make films review, the tittle of film is "Upside Down". This films realese on 2012, where are Strugess as Adam and Kristen as Eden who be the main characters. The genre of this film is Sci-fi (science-fiction).
This films tells about 2 gravity on one planet. Where there are upworld and down world. On the upworld who very rich and luxurious, but on the downworld who very poor.
There is romantic scene on this films, between Adam and Eden, but their love story get many discriminatory, because of what Adam from downworld and Eden from upworld where very forbidden to establish for relationship.
This films get appreciated from Comptition Best Film Festival 2012.
Okay, thanks for reading my review, forgive me if I make mistake.
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