Film Review
Title : White House Down
Genre : Action comedy
Director : Rollland Emmrich
Year : 2013
Duration : 137 Minute
Stars : Channing Tatum ( John Cale )
Jamie Foxx ( James Sawyer )
Joel King ( Emily Cale )
Jason Clarke ( Stenz )
James Woods
Maggie Gyllenhall (Carrol Finnerty )
Richard Jenkins
Hi friends ! this time I will review the movie I've ever seen. The movie is titled White House Down. That movie released in 2013. Have you ever watched the movie ? If you've never watched it, well I will explain a little about the film.
White House Down revolves around John Cale (Channing Tatum) a policeman who recently applied for a job as Secret Service. During an interview at the White House, Cale took Emily ( Joel King ) to be included in a tour of the White House. Unfortunately Cale failed in the interview. Unexpectedly, an explosion occurred on the roof of the White House and caused panic in it. In the midst of this panic, came the known terrorist named Stenz (Jason Clarke) and his conspirator who directly controlled the White House. Some people managed to escape but some were trapped inside the building and hosted by them including Cale. Cale is separated from his daughter. While Emily herself at that time was in the toilet. With his handphone Emily had time to record the people who carry the weapon and upload it to You Tube. The public finally learned that the attack on the white building was not a terrorist but an American himself. John who originally planned to find his daughter just put it off because he heard that President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx) was being held hostage. John managed to get the President out of the terrorists. Things get complicated after Emily is also caught by terrorists. John was forced to race with time so he could help the president and his own daughter out of the White House. In approximately 45 minutes early, the script James Venderbilt not directly bombard the White House. The audience is invited to go around the White House which indirectly gives a glimpse of the knowledge of the things that are in it. after various ways cale do to save his daughter with his ability in the military field, finally his daughter and the president survived and can be free from the terrorists.
With a simple story and characters that are more interesting than other films White House Down can perform quite well. Unfortunately this is inversely proportional to the audience's habits of wishing that Emmrich's films are capable of providing the ultimate explosion here and there. While it is ultimately very easy to guess the end of such films, White House Down is still a comedic action film worth seeing.
For movie reviewers, this movie is worth to review because this movie is interesting. And it turns out this movie has been widely reviewed by people around the world. Ok, so many reviews about the film white house down. May be useful Thank you friends for your attention.
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